Sunday, April 27, 2008

My first week

So on the first day, we went to the GREAT hall for registration.

so this is how great it is. Fancy curtains man. Somemore got two rooms specially for the media people at second floor.

yes, im boasting.

It took me around an hour to wait for my number to be called. And while i was on stage registrating, the whole hall went black out for at least three times. so GREAT.

Yeah, and my mom and i almost argued with one of the counsellor, cuz she actually promised us to give us a 2 person per room unit. But ended up she act as if she totally forget about it. Then i think she feel guilty or wat, she went to another counsellor and request if he allow me to stay in a 3 person per room unit.

So the other cousellor was nice enough to give me tht room, even though is not wat i requested, he said tht if there's a room for 2 person/ room then he will inform me.

The girl's hostel, there are more blocks actually. Oh ya, the first block on the right is where my unit is.

Now i am so settled in my own room, i'm lazy to move and shift all my bimbo stuff to another room. !!!!!

But anyway, the first two nights in uni really got me annoyed. I was suffering from severe home-sick, n i dare not phone my mom at all. It makes me even more home-sick when i was watching the tv. The tv sound was soooo familiar, i started to miss home so much, i cant even enjoy my show. Anyhow, is not tht enjoyable to watch tv in the uni la. U will see why~

the fans and the lights are not working in the TV area, because there's no switch. (then why u install it la! give ppl false hope nial)

can u see the tiny tv up there on the tiang.

the view of the tv from the couch i'm sitting. my neck very pain after watching tht show.

seriously macam prison...

So after tuesday and much boring briefings and talks. Student orientation week started.

Orientation hall, student centre.

view from student centre.

Lecture theatre. the place where i all night events are held during the last three days.
Place where i sing "umbrella" in a really ah lian way. embarrasing la

And with much expectations, more talks and breifings. Until the ice-breaking session started.

i am not horny.

One of our activities is to design a mascot, slogan for our own group.

sadly, my group's mascot was quite...erm.. childish. yeah, it was drawn by me, but no one at that time wanted to draw, so why waste time. I feel like eating up the paper after groups b4 my group presented theirs.


Ok, more random pics in my uni.

second floor cafeteria, only opened during lunch time. Less flies.

The lower floor cafeteria, opens everyday till 3am. but many flies.

Cafeteria at night.

this white fat cat looks like zean.

yeah, more to come. Nite xoxo.

1 comment:

the-AWESOME♥Crayon said...

haha, how u find it, through the class blog rite. hahah
good la, at least i stimulated ur brain...

for awhile :]