Wednesday, June 25, 2008

laughing so hard it hurts like hell

during emo times....

u walk alone

u ponder upon things

u stare blankly into space

u try to eat ur sorrows away

u seek the comfort of music

u wanna be hugged

u try to act cool to attract attention

it's ok, just go to my documents on ur desktop n look through those pictures u took, and u'll notice how many retarded pictures of u n ur friends has snapped.

this puppy is somehow named after me : ]

Sunday, June 15, 2008

i know i'm not suppose to feel envious, but something is just shouting "unfair" inside there.
it might be karma, as he wasnt feeling that well this past few days,
i know how much he deserve something to smile at now.

i'm glad he's grinning at his prize happily now,
but why is this green envy feeling churning inside me,
why is this sin engaging my mind so frequent nowadays?

i need a pill.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bugs bugs bugs bugs


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

E=MC2 is a nice album

seriously the connections here are really slow, i think i can run faster than it.
sorry for the lack of updates.
I'm fine over here, got abit homesick yesterday but recovered quickly.

LUCKILY, today class starts at 12 ends at 3, only 2 hours of lecture.
i so happy :)

I'll just tell you wat i've been up to lately...

my roomates and housemates, escpecially Athinia has been calling me iguana or lizard due to my scaly skin.
So in contrast, i called her the frog, but she claim tht at least she is more moist than me.
yeesh yeesh yeesh.

Been playing with the yellow cat alot lately, named her Manja. Cuz she's so manja :D

AND THEN, the other night, me athinia and brenna were doing a lil bit of modelling.

we choose a hot pose from the magazine...

and BAM !!
we pose it hotter !

tht's brenna's hair. (ugly extensions..)

i am SO talented, beh tahan la.

Quiz week is next week, tht's why i've been burning many night oil lately, yeah LATEly.
My eyerings are darker than the tar roads now.
OH YA, the other day while i was pouring water outside the window.
i almost kena someone. haha. i feel damn bad cuz the fella shouted back.
i sangat bermoral.
Then the other day i went to Centre Square and Villaga Mall.
Shop shop shop.
Got this damn nice and cheap jap slippers, only 10 bucks. woo~
i dun care i'm wearing it to class later.
ok, tht's all for now. Pls leave comments if u love my modelling pics, if not dun leave.
i only accept compliments. Thank you and welcome
kisses from caryn ~~~