Thursday, May 8, 2008

Im getting lazy ~

eh ler i want to blog la.
but i cant upload my pictures yeeeeesh


hmm.... my fingers are itching to type.
anyway, everything started to feel like home now,
even packing back to go back to Penang seems quite troublesome.
I must have settled down here. :]

Yeah, and because everything starts to feel so much like home,
i kind of slack off more often.
Ha.... is quite sien to study nowadays.
I shall blame the weather, and the company.

Yes, i was going to blame myself. [ shaddap la ]
So the other day i sang the "7 days in a week" nursery rhyme infront of my class.
Because i said the "la" word at the end of my sentence.
yeah the song which ends with "saturday, holiday"
U don't know tht song??!!
Nvm, i sing it to you one fine day, just leave a comment.

Even though the food sucks here, but the enviroment are getting more n more"home" feel.
I still miss home. A lot, especially u mom.
sorry for taking all your love and care for granted.

AH yes! i went to the anatomy museum the other day,
is in my campus. [ so cool, got museum in uni ]
Saw real human parts, but the cross section of the vajayjay looks like the nose of an elephant.
haha, totally irrelevant info. hahhaha.

Anyway, most of the bodies are from africa. yeah, africans.
Is not that scary, is just the fear of entering the room tht's really disturbing.
We went into the disection hall, and touched brains.
they feel like well detailed plasticines. cold plasticines.

Luckily, LUCKILY, the penjaga of the anatomy museum just kept all the disected bodies back into their container. The so call "tangki".
most of the bodies are kept inside there, floating in some liquid.
It was really frightening, cuz when i went into the storage room where they disect fresh bodies and kept the bodies.
There was a body covered by a white cloth. Freaking scary la, somemore one of the leg was out.
I didnt scream, i was so frightened i squeaked. [wtf weih]

And my senior who brought us in went n lift up the cloth.
Luckily not all, only half. You can see tht the penjaga just disected the leg.
Further detail shall not be revealed, as this might highly affect ur dreams and appetides.

The penjaga also say we can have a study group in this room, where there's full of human bones.
He said" yeah u can study here, very quiet and comfortable."
ha...uncle u damn funny O.O

I dare not take pics, i scared pantang.

Lastly, to all of those who sacrificed your body to make us gain more knowledge
may u all rest in peace :]

OK, the itch of typing stop dy.
Good night :]


jontan said...

Don't sing la, Caryn. Make everybody jealous. Too melodic.
Haha, so fake

the-AWESOME♥Crayon said...